Compliance Services

Compliance Services

Below find examples of projects to Compliance Services. We have:

The Protection OPersonal Information Act’s (POPIAis fully in force and General Data Protection Regulation’s (GDPR) may also apply to your organisation in many instances.  We have put together a short #PlanForPOPIA guide which you can access here: it explains in plain language the steps of your POPIA compliance journey.  At PPM Attorneys, we can help your organisation with all aspects of its data protection compliance project.

Here is the list of our privacy and data protection compliance services.

Training and Awareness

We can provide your organisation with:

Basic awareness workshops for employees and management; and

Advanced training for information officers or personnel who have a specific focus.

Privacy Gap Analysis

The purpose of a gap analysis is to give a clear picture on where your organisation currently stands with respect to privacy and data protection compliance.

We assist organisations to identify the “gaps” and to allow them to first remedy those gaps. The objective of remedying those gaps is to start a process which ultimately results in them complying with one or other of internationally recognised privacy standards ( for example ISO27001 or GAPP).

At the end of the gap analysis, we will provide our gap analysis report. This report will include our findings and recommendations and an implementation roadmap.

PPM can also assist you in the implementation phase.

Privacy Policies

PPM Attorneys can draft, review or supplement your existing set of policies and procedures dealing with data protection. This will include, for example, privacy policy, PAIA manual, contract management policy or cross-border data flow policy.

Privacy Compliance Audit and Monitoring

Once the compliance implementation program has been completed, we can proceed with a one-off compliance audit, or implement a recurring compliance audit program for your organisation or of specific divisions.

The audit process consists of 3 phases:

pre-audit phase

on-site audit phase

output phase

After completion of the pre-audit and on-site audit, we will provide you with a comprehensive report as well as an executive summary. Our audit report will include the exhaustive presentation of our findings, related recommendations and suggested implementation measures.

Get your copy of our PlanForPOPIA guide

Fill in the form below to get your copy of our PlanForPOPIA guide