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PPM Attorneys are always on the cutting edge of developments in their field and are regularly approached to comment on current issues.

The National Credit Act, Act 34 of 2005, is by many standards a relatively new piece of legislation.
It is a supported view that the primary objective of enacting the numerous amendments to the Pension Funds Act has always been to enhance the protection of pension interests of fund members, given that dedicated contributions towards their retirement often
Facebook. One does not need to define that ‘word’ if I may call it that. It’s new speak. If you are not on it where have you been, and where are you going?
Section 1(h) of the Corporate Laws Amendment Act, 24 of 2006 (the “Act”) inserts a new subsection 6 into the Companies Act, 61 of 1973 (the “Companies Act”) and provides that a company is a widely held company if:
While everyone is focused on the contentious value added network services (“VANS”) licence con process, currently taking place, the lines are quietly being drawn for the next big battlefront – the local loop.
Negotiating the contractual aspects of supplying IT hardware doesn’t have to be the downside of landing the deal.
Recent research indicates that Mobile TV services (television content broadcast to cellphones) will grow from its current 6.4 million to 500 million subscribers worldwide by the end of 2010.
Section 31 of the ITA provides special anti-avoidance rules to regulate certain international transactions and this article intends to define and explain the two concepts referred to in this Section of the ITA being transfer pricing and thin capitalisation.
This right, like all other fundamental rights, is not absolute for various reasons which are in the greater interest of the general public. Section 36 of the Constitution stipulates the grounds, which I will not go into here, upon which
“The SA Companies Act has been in existence since 1973 and it is outdated. It contains little on corporate governance, transparency, accountability, modern merger methods and minority shareholder protection.”
The National Credit Act, Act 34 of 2005, is by many standards a relatively new piece of legislation.
It is a supported view that the primary objective of enacting the numerous amendments to the Pension Funds Act has always been to enhance the protection of pension interests of fund members, given that dedicated contributions towards their retirement often
Facebook. One does not need to define that ‘word’ if I may call it that. It’s new speak. If you are not on it where have you been, and where are you going?
Section 1(h) of the Corporate Laws Amendment Act, 24 of 2006 (the “Act”) inserts a new subsection 6 into the Companies Act, 61 of 1973 (the “Companies Act”) and provides that a company is a widely held company if:
While everyone is focused on the contentious value added network services (“VANS”) licence con process, currently taking place, the lines are quietly being drawn for the next big battlefront – the local loop.
Negotiating the contractual aspects of supplying IT hardware doesn’t have to be the downside of landing the deal.
Recent research indicates that Mobile TV services (television content broadcast to cellphones) will grow from its current 6.4 million to 500 million subscribers worldwide by the end of 2010.
Section 31 of the ITA provides special anti-avoidance rules to regulate certain international transactions and this article intends to define and explain the two concepts referred to in this Section of the ITA being transfer pricing and thin capitalisation.
This right, like all other fundamental rights, is not absolute for various reasons which are in the greater interest of the general public. Section 36 of the Constitution stipulates the grounds, which I will not go into here, upon which
“The SA Companies Act has been in existence since 1973 and it is outdated. It contains little on corporate governance, transparency, accountability, modern merger methods and minority shareholder protection.”

From the consumers’ perspective: a practical application of sections 14a and 14b of the pension funds act 24 of 1956 as amended.

It is a supported view that the primary objective of enacting the numerous amendments to the Pension Funds Act has always been to enhance the protection of pension interests of fund members, given that dedicated contributions towards their retirement often extend across their lifetimes and serve as the most significant source of saving for most individuals in formal employment.

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This right, like all other fundamental rights, is not absolute for various reasons which are in the greater interest of the general public. Section 36 of the Constitution stipulates the grounds, which I will not go into here, upon which rights can be limited.

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