Web Rangers is a digital literacy programme designed to allow young people to gain critical skills and knowledge around online safety that they use to create innovative campaigns that promote safe internet usage and champion their rights in the digital world.

Web Rangers is a digital literacy programme designed to allow young people to gain critical skills and knowledge around online safety that they use to create innovative campaigns that promote safe internet usage and champion their rights in the digital world. The programme is about creating young digital citizens who know how to use the internet responsibly and encourage their peers to do the same.

PPM is proud to be a partner to this incredible programme and initiative launched by Media Monitoring Africa.

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) together with Google SA, the Film Publication Board (FPB), Digital You, Facebook Africa, MTN and PPM Attorneys are proud to host the 2017 Web Rangers Training Workshop, to be held on 20 May 2017 at McAuley House, Parktown West in Johannesburg.

Diana Schwarz will be presenting at the workshop, on Module 2 of the Web Rangers Learner Toolkit which she assisted in drafting.

For more information please check out http://hashplay.co.za/info/web-rangers/ and http://webrangers.co.za/about/

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