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PPM Attorneys are always on the cutting edge of developments in their field and are regularly approached to comment on current issues.

We live in extremely exciting yet precarious times. Technological advancements have made it possible for normal objects and gadgets to be equipped with the ability to identify, sense and process information as well as networking and communicating with other devices
Half of the world’s population regularly uses some sort of social media platform. Just think about that for a second.
Included in the Labour Laws Amendment Act, 2018 (LLA) is the provision for parental, adoption and commissioning parental leave to employees, amendment of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 so as to provide for the right to claim parental and commissioning
Let’s imagine a time when all you had to do to uncover who owns a property was go to a public website and do a public deed search, which would reveal the deed holder.
We live in extremely exciting yet precarious times. Technological advancements have made it possible for normal objects and gadgets to be equipped with the ability to identify, sense and process information as well as networking and communicating with other devices
Half of the world’s population regularly uses some sort of social media platform. Just think about that for a second.
Included in the Labour Laws Amendment Act, 2018 (LLA) is the provision for parental, adoption and commissioning parental leave to employees, amendment of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 so as to provide for the right to claim parental and commissioning
Let’s imagine a time when all you had to do to uncover who owns a property was go to a public website and do a public deed search, which would reveal the deed holder.
Commercial Law
Melody Musoni


We live in extremely exciting yet precarious times. Technological advancements have made it possible for normal objects and gadgets to be equipped with the ability to identify, sense and process information as well as networking and communicating with other devices to achieve some useful objective.

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Commercial Law
Yashoda Rajoo

Do it for the gram…

Half of the world’s population regularly uses some sort of social media platform.  Just think about that for a second.

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Administrative and Procurement Law
Zandile Mthabela

In a nutshell – benefits encapsulated in the Labour Laws Amendment Act, 2018

Included in the Labour Laws Amendment Act, 2018 (LLA) is the provision for parental, adoption and commissioning parental leave to employees, amendment of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 2001 so as to provide for the right to claim parental and commissioning parental benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund and for the application for, and the payment of, parental and commissioning parental benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund.

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